Laboratoire de Mathématiques
U.F.R. Sciences Exactes et Naturelles
Moulin de la Housse - BP 1039
51687 REIMS cedex 2
Office: +33 (0)3 26 91 83 93
e-mail: firstname.lastname(at)
I am a graduate of Moscow School for Mathematics No 2 (web site in Russian), class of 1981
PhD received in 1989 from Moscow State University
Research |
Areas of Interest:
q-deformed rationals and irrationals, a theory developed with Sophie Morier-Genoud.
-projective differential geometry (Schwarzian derivative,...);
-discrete integrable systems (Pentagram map,...);
-algebraic combinatorics (Coxeter friezes, square identities,...);
-cohomology of Lie algebras of vector fields and diffeomorphism groups (Virasoro algebra, modules of differential operators on smooth manifolds,...);
-graded commutative algebras (quaternions, octonions, Lie antialgebras,...).
Together with Christian Duval and Pierre Lecomte we developed equivariant quantization.
See my publications at Google scholar:
I am on the Editorial Board of:
Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics,
The Book |
You can download (a preprint version of) my book with Sergei Tabachnikov:
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics, 165, 2005.
Talks |
Videos of some of my talks:
The Pentagram map: a discrete integrable system talk .
Talks on the Hurwitz-Radon function and its applications two , three , four (one is missing).
Frieze patterns and linear difference operators one , two , three .
Frieze patterns, Pentagram map and combinatorics: more open questions than solutions here .
Projective differential geometry old and new here .
Some of my publications (by subjects) |
"Whas is" papers:
Hurwitz square identities & applications:
Graded-commutative algebra:
Pentagram map, discrete integrable systems:
Equivariant quantization and symbol calculus:
Modules of of differential operators:
Virasoro, KdV and generalizations:
Projective Differential Geometry:
My students |
Hichem Gargoubi (PhD 1997)
Patrick Marcel (PhD 1999)
Sofiane Bouarroudj (PhD 1999)
Sabin Loubon-Djounga (PhD 2001)
Pascal Redou (PhD 2002)
Yael Fregier (PhD 2005)
Najla Mellouli (PhD 2010)
Tiffany Covolo (PhD 2014)
Marie Kreusch (PhD 2015)